Democracy's Future?

The Polarizing Struggle for a New Constitution: Chile's Upcoming Referendum

Episode Summary

On Sunday, December 17, Chilean voters are required to vote to accept or reject a proposed new constitution for Chile. Sunday's referendum will shape democracy in Chile for the foreseeable future: can a constitution that served Pinochet's military dictatorship work for democracy? After Chilean voters rejected a progressive constitution in September 2022, will they embrace the right-leaning one now? Democracy's Future is joined by Professor Veronica Undurraga, who was the President of an ideologically balanced Expert Commission that drafted the constitution, which was then redrafted by an elected Constitutional Council dominated by the Right.

Episode Notes

Veronica Undurraga was the President of the Expert Commission created in December 2022 to draft a new constitution for Chile.  She is a professor of Law at Universidad Adolfo Ibañez and author of many scholarly articles on Chile's constitutional process, including Engendering a constitutional moment: The quest for parity in the Chilean Constitutional Convention (2020) in ICON.

For background on the first proposed constitution that failed in 2022, listen to the Fordham Law Podcast Constitutional Crisis Hotline Episode, A Constitutional Cautionary Tale: Why the New Constitution Failed in Chile (September 2022, with Julie Suk and Jed Shugerman Samuel Isaaacharoff, Sergio Verdugo, Camila Vergara)